Source:, Berlin: Harian Jerman, Die Walt memberitakan gereja Katolik di Jerman telah meraih keuntungan miliaran Euro dari penjualan buku-buku porno dalam berbagai judul. Tuduhan yang dianggap logis itu memunculkan kontroversi besar dan skandal di Jerman hingga membuat umat Katolik melakukan protes keras.
Menurut Die Walt, baru-baru ini, pihaknya mendapatkan informasi tersebut yang berasal dari salah satu perusahaan media terbesar Jerman, Weltbild. Dalam portofolionya, perusahaan ini tak hanya memproduksi Kitab Injil, buku-buku keagamaan, buku eosterisme atau sihir, tapi juga menjual materi pornografi.
Weltbild bahkan dilaporkan memiliki sebanyak 2.500 judul buku dengan sampul erotis dalam katalog online mereka. Namun, hingga saat ini belum ada yang tahu siapa pemilik Weltbild. Menurut laporan Buchreport, perusahaan dengan penjualan terbesar setelah Amazon ini dimiliki 100 persen oleh Gereja Katolik.
Berbagai komunitas umat Katolik Jerman juga sudah menyuarakan protes mereka terhadap perusahaan tersebut. Bahkan pada 2008 lalu, mereka membuat dokumen 70 halaman yang berisikan bukti dan protes mereka terhadap Weltbild. Namun, tindakan mereka tidak digubris sedikit pun. Perusahaan itu dilaporkan meraih keuntungan sebesar 1,7 miliar Euro berkat penjualan buku-buku porno tersebut. (Vin)
Roman Saturnalia
Horus was not born on December 25th, that was The Persian god Mithras/Roman God Sol Invicta and neither was Jesus born on that date. The December 25th date is not found in the Gospels or the New Testament. It was a later adoption by the church in Rome In the first half of the fourth century AD when Christianity became the official State Religion of the Roman Empire and they started merging in popular Pagan customs and ceremonies by changing the names and symbolism to Christian names and symbols so that the now State run church would have universal appeal through out the Empire and unite all the people as one.
The holiday that Roman Church turned into Christmas was Saturnalia, a week long period of lawlessness celebrated between December 17-25. During Saturnalia, Roman courts were closed, and Roman law dictated that no one could be punished for damaging property or injuring people during the week long celebration. The Saturnalia festival began when Roman authorities chose “an enemy of the Roman people” to represent the “Lord of Misrule.” Each Roman community selected a victim whom they forced to indulge in food and other physical pleasures throughout the week. At the Saturnalia festival’s conclusion, December 25th, Roman authorities believed they were destroying the forces of darkness by brutally murdering this innocent man or woman.
In addition to human sacrifice, there was widespread intoxication; going from house to house while singing naked; rape and sexual orgies; and consuming human-shaped biscuits. (Apart from the cookies and human sacrifice, in some modern families the way the holiday is celebrated has not changed all that much!)
Anyway, the now Official Roman State Church succeeded in converting to Christianity large numbers of pagans by promising them that they could continue to celebrate the Saturnalia as Christians, which is probably a very good an argument for separation of Church and State and keeping politics out of religion!
Selengkapnya mengenai Saturnalia:
Saturn/EL Worshiper

Sheriff in the ancient Egyptian was a law-giver and his badge was always a six-pointed star which is a symbol of Saturn. US Sheriffs in the wild west up to today still wear the six-pointed star. It is interesting that Saturn’s symbol is the 6-pointed star, Saturn is the 6th planet from the sun, Saturn-day is the 6th day of the week, and now NASA is receiving images of “the Saturn Hexagon” (6-sided) atmospheric formation at Saturn’s poles. The 6th chakra of the human energy system is the 3rd eye/pineal gland (6, 3 times = 666). When your 3rd eye chakra opens you develop your 6th sense of intuition and spirituality. From a consciousness perspective, the 6th sense, your intuitions/hunches, are messengers of god, your guardian angels. Isn’t it interesting that angels have haloes/rings around their heads and Saturn is the only planet with a halo/ring around it?
“That is why today, when you get married, you get married before God. And the symbol of that God is the ring that is put on each other's fingers. The ring of Saturn. In the marriage phrases, one also begins to see what that has to do with Saturn. So when you get married, you get married with a ring and the symbol of that God is the ring, the ring of Saturn. You're wearing God's ring.

And the yarmulke was the round ring that you wear on your head, for Saturn your God. Even in the middle ages, in the temples, Catholic monks would shave their heads in a round circle, and the Hebrews, instead of doing that, would wear the yarmulke. But it all had to do with the round rings of Saturn.” -Jordan Maxwell, “Matrix of Power”
“The ancient name of Saturn was, as mentioned, EL. It is the reason why those that were chosen by EL, were called Elites. In fact the words, Elect, Elder, Elevated, Elohim, Temple, Circle, Gospel, Apostle, Disciple, Evangelists, etc., all derive from the Cult of EL. Angels are messengers of god. But god was EL, which is why we have the names of the Archangels bearing the ‘el,’ suffix - Raphael, Michael, Uriel, Gabriel, etc,.” -Michael Tsarion, “Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology”
“The plural term Elohim appears over 2500 times in the Old Testament but is falsely translated in most versions. This fact of plurality explains why in Genesis ‘Gods’ said, ‘Let us make man in our image.’ As stated, Elohim refers to both ‘gods’ and ‘goddesses,’ and its singular form, El, served as a prefix or suffix to names of gods, people and places, whence Emmanu-El, Gabri-El, Beth-El, etc. Even ‘Satan’ was one of the Elohim.” -Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (67)
“Saturn is an important key to understanding the long heritage this conspiracy has back to antiquity. The city of Rome was originally known as Saturnia or City of Saturn. The Roman Catholic church retains much of the Saturn worship in its ritual. Saturn also relates to Lucifer. In various occult dictionaries Saturn is associated with evil. Saturn was important to the religion of Mithra, and also
the Druids.” –Fritz Springmeier, “Bloodlines of the Illuminati”
Sheriff in the ancient Egyptian was a law-giver and his badge was always a six-pointed star which is a symbol of Saturn. US Sheriffs in the wild west up to today still wear the six-pointed star. It is interesting that Saturn’s symbol is the 6-pointed star, Saturn is the 6th planet from the sun, Saturn-day is the 6th day of the week, and now NASA is receiving images of “the Saturn Hexagon” (6-sided) atmospheric formation at Saturn’s poles. The 6th chakra of the human energy system is the 3rd eye/pineal gland (6, 3 times = 666). When your 3rd eye chakra opens you develop your 6th sense of intuition and spirituality. From a consciousness perspective, the 6th sense, your intuitions/hunches, are messengers of god, your guardian angels. Isn’t it interesting that angels have haloes/rings around their heads and Saturn is the only planet with a halo/ring around it?
“That is why today, when you get married, you get married before God. And the symbol of that God is the ring that is put on each other's fingers. The ring of Saturn. In the marriage phrases, one also begins to see what that has to do with Saturn. So when you get married, you get married with a ring and the symbol of that God is the ring, the ring of Saturn. You're wearing God's ring.
And the yarmulke was the round ring that you wear on your head, for Saturn your God. Even in the middle ages, in the temples, Catholic monks would shave their heads in a round circle, and the Hebrews, instead of doing that, would wear the yarmulke. But it all had to do with the round rings of Saturn.” -Jordan Maxwell, “Matrix of Power”
“The ancient name of Saturn was, as mentioned, EL. It is the reason why those that were chosen by EL, were called Elites. In fact the words, Elect, Elder, Elevated, Elohim, Temple, Circle, Gospel, Apostle, Disciple, Evangelists, etc., all derive from the Cult of EL. Angels are messengers of god. But god was EL, which is why we have the names of the Archangels bearing the ‘el,’ suffix - Raphael, Michael, Uriel, Gabriel, etc,.” -Michael Tsarion, “Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology”
“The plural term Elohim appears over 2500 times in the Old Testament but is falsely translated in most versions. This fact of plurality explains why in Genesis ‘Gods’ said, ‘Let us make man in our image.’ As stated, Elohim refers to both ‘gods’ and ‘goddesses,’ and its singular form, El, served as a prefix or suffix to names of gods, people and places, whence Emmanu-El, Gabri-El, Beth-El, etc. Even ‘Satan’ was one of the Elohim.” -Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (67)

The gods of EL-o-him are ang-EL-s, the messengers of god. When witches cast a spe-EL, they put the “Hex” (6) on someone, and when chefs deep fry something, they “Deep 6” it. It is the EL-ites who run the world today. El-ite comes from the “Isra-El-ites” which came from the Egyptian worship of the Moon (Isis), the
Sun, (Ra), and Saturn (Elohim), hence Is-Ra-El.

In Islamic tradition, the “Rock” is where Muhammad ascended to Heaven accompanied by the ang-el Gabri-el. The Dome of the “Rock” was built in the 600 AD era and was won back by the Israelites on 06/07/67 after the “6 day war.” The Dome’s outer walls measure 60 (6x10) feet wide and 36 (6x6) feet high. The Knights Templar claimed the Dome of the Rock was the site of the Temple of Solomon and set up their “Templum Domini” adjacent to it during the 12th century.

Rome was known to the “Romans” as Saturnia, not Rome, and Saturn was one of their gods. Black is both Saturn’s color and
Satan’s color. The black holy bible tells us Satan is 666. Saturn is the 6th planet, its symbol is a 6-pointed star, it supposedly has hexagon weather formations, and Saturn-day, the 6th day, is Ozzy Osbourne’s “Black Sabbath.”
Is this all just divine coincidence or is our perception of Saturn and the other planets being manipulated by the Masonic magicians at NASA?

Hitler Tidak Bunuh Diri di Berlin 1945
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, BERLIN - Kontroversi kematian diktator Jerman, Adolf Hitler, kembali menguak. Gerrard Williams mengungkap fakta baru tentang kematian tokoh Nazi itu, seperti yang tertulis dalam buku "Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler"
Hitler diketahui bunuh diri di bunker bawah tanah rumahnya di Berlin bersama wanita simpanan yang akhirnya dia nikahi, Eva Braun, pada 30 April 1945. Aksi bunuh diri itu dilakukan Hitler setelah Jerman kalah dalam Perang Dunia II.
Namun, Williams merilis sejarah baru mengenai kisah akhir hidup salah satu pemimpin dunia paling berpengaruh itu.
"Adolf Hitler tidak bunuh diri di Berlin tahun 1945. Tetapi dia sempat tinggal di Argentina dan meninggal pada tahun 1962," tulis Williams di buku tersebut, seperti dilansir The Sun.
Para penulis mengaku menemukan bukti yang menunjukkan Hitler dan Eva Braun diterbangkan dari Jerman secara diam-diam dan dibawa ke sebuah negara di Amerika Selatan, yang kemudian diketahui adalah Argentina.
"Tidak ada bukti forensik kematiannya dan Eva Braun. Dari cerita saksi mata tentang kelangsungan hidup mereka diketahui Hitler dan Eva terpaksa berada di Argentina," demikian tulisan buku tersebut.
Di buku tersebut juga disebutkan intelijen AS menjadi tokoh di balik upaya Hitler melarikan diri.
Buku ini menyebutkan bagian tengkorak Hitler yang ditemukan oleh pihak Rusia sebenarnya adalah tengkorak dari seorang wanita.(*)
Buku Seks 'Klub Istri Patuh' Bilang Wanita Hanya Penuhi 10 Persen Keinginan Suami
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KUALALUMPUR - Hanya beberapa bulan setelah menganjurkan anggotanya untuk melayani suami mereka lebih baik dari pelacur, Klub Istri Patuh Malaysia kembali membuat heboh dengan penerbitkan buku panduan seks Islami.
Dalam kata pengantar buku tersebut mengatakan studi menunjukkan wanita hanya memberi suami mereka 10 persen dari apa yang diinginkan pria dari tubuhnya. Buku ini berisi rincian seks eksplisit, dan satu bab khusus membahas bagaimana seks menjadi sebuah ibadah.
Buku itu mengatakan seks dimaksudkan untuk membuat kehidupan baru. ''Anda (Allah) telah mengatakan bahwa semua perbuatan adalah halal, murni, indah, dan seperti doa (antara suami dan istri),'' tulis buku itu.
Buku saku setebal 115 halaman ini menuai kemarahan banyak Muslim dan non-Muslim. Dalam salah satu halamannya disebut, seorang pria Muslim bisa berhubungan seks dengan semua istrinya pada saat yang sama.
Dalam tradisi Islam yang ketat, seorang pria dapat memiliki hingga empat istri jika ia dapat berbuat adil.
Menanggapi buku ini, grup bernama “We do not want sexist nonsense from Global Ikhwan Sdn Bhd” yang didirikan oleh Matthew Ong menyebut klub yang dimotori Global Ikhwan Sdn Bhd hanya menjadikan wanita sebagai objek seksual. Mereka meminta Kementerian Wanita, keluarga, dan Pembangunan Komunitas, Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil untuk melakukan intervensi.
Klub memicu protes dari kelompok-kelompok perempuan dan otoritas agama Islam ketika didirikan pada bulan Juni tahun lalu. Mereka mengklaim memiliki ribuan anggota. Klub ini disebut-sebut sebagai salah satu penganjur poligami.
Menteri Malaysia untuk Pengembangan Perempuan, Keluarga dan Masyarakat, Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, meminta para pejabat pemerintah untuk memantau klub ini. terutama untuk memastikan tidak akan membuat 'berantakan; pikiran generasi muda Malaysia. Tapi Shahrizat mengatakan pemerintah tidak bisa membatasi kegiatan klub, dengan dalih Malaysia adalah negara demokratis.
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KUALALUMPUR - Hanya beberapa bulan setelah menganjurkan anggotanya untuk melayani suami mereka lebih baik dari pelacur, Klub Istri Patuh Malaysia kembali membuat heboh dengan penerbitkan buku panduan seks Islami.
Dalam kata pengantar buku tersebut mengatakan studi menunjukkan wanita hanya memberi suami mereka 10 persen dari apa yang diinginkan pria dari tubuhnya. Buku ini berisi rincian seks eksplisit, dan satu bab khusus membahas bagaimana seks menjadi sebuah ibadah.
Buku itu mengatakan seks dimaksudkan untuk membuat kehidupan baru. ''Anda (Allah) telah mengatakan bahwa semua perbuatan adalah halal, murni, indah, dan seperti doa (antara suami dan istri),'' tulis buku itu.
Buku saku setebal 115 halaman ini menuai kemarahan banyak Muslim dan non-Muslim. Dalam salah satu halamannya disebut, seorang pria Muslim bisa berhubungan seks dengan semua istrinya pada saat yang sama.
Dalam tradisi Islam yang ketat, seorang pria dapat memiliki hingga empat istri jika ia dapat berbuat adil.
Menanggapi buku ini, grup bernama “We do not want sexist nonsense from Global Ikhwan Sdn Bhd” yang didirikan oleh Matthew Ong menyebut klub yang dimotori Global Ikhwan Sdn Bhd hanya menjadikan wanita sebagai objek seksual. Mereka meminta Kementerian Wanita, keluarga, dan Pembangunan Komunitas, Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil untuk melakukan intervensi.
Klub memicu protes dari kelompok-kelompok perempuan dan otoritas agama Islam ketika didirikan pada bulan Juni tahun lalu. Mereka mengklaim memiliki ribuan anggota. Klub ini disebut-sebut sebagai salah satu penganjur poligami.
Menteri Malaysia untuk Pengembangan Perempuan, Keluarga dan Masyarakat, Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, meminta para pejabat pemerintah untuk memantau klub ini. terutama untuk memastikan tidak akan membuat 'berantakan; pikiran generasi muda Malaysia. Tapi Shahrizat mengatakan pemerintah tidak bisa membatasi kegiatan klub, dengan dalih Malaysia adalah negara demokratis.
Steve Jobs Ternyata Punya Nama Arab dan Berasal dari Garis Keturunan Nabi Muhammad

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA--Asal usul mendiang bos Apple, Steve Jobs, terus jadi bahan berita. Setelah diketahui ia ternyata punya darah Suriah, dari ayahnya, Abdul Fattah John Jandali, ada satu lagi temuan yang unik.
Setelah dirunut-runut, riwayat keluarga Jandali ternyata salah satu keluarga terkemuka di Homs, Suriah. Sepupu Steve Jobs, Bassma Al Jandali, menegaskan trah Jandali punya garis keturunan langsung dengan Nabi Muhammad SAW!
"Ayah Steve, Paman saya, Abdul Fattah John Jandali datang dari Homs. Keluarga Jandali adalah keluarga yang punya hubungan darah dengan keluarga Nabi Muhammad SAW," kata Bassma, seperti dikutip dari Gulf News. Basma adalah seorang jurnalis di Timur Tengah.
Steve Jobs Jandali pun ternyata punya nama Arab. Nama Arabnya adalah Abdul Lateef Jandali. Ketika ia lahir dan diadopsi oleh keluarga yang memberinya nama Steve Jobs.
Bassma bercerita, ketika kecil ibunya Bushra Jandali Rifa'e kerap mengatakan ada keturunan Jandali yang hidup di AS. Itu adalah pamannya, Abdul Fattah Jandali, yang juga ayah Steve Jobs.
Belakangan, paman Bassma lainnya Abdul Wahid, bercerita kalau Abdul Fattah Jandali akhirnya punya anak di luar nikah dengan Joanne. Anak itu akhirnya diadopsi oleh keluarga lain. Abdul Fattah memilih tak pulang ke Suriah karena malu akan skandalnya. Tapi akhirnya ia tetap menikahi Joanne dan punya puteri (adik Steve Jobs) bernama Mona Jandali Simpson.
"Kami memang tak pernah bertemu. Tapi kami semua di bawah trah Jandali tetap punya hubungan. Saya merasa seharusnya saya bertemu Steve. Seharusnya saya melepasnya, mengatakan sampai jumpa..," kata Bassma.
Nabi? Bah!!
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA--Asal usul mendiang bos Apple, Steve Jobs, terus jadi bahan berita. Setelah diketahui ia ternyata punya darah Suriah, dari ayahnya, Abdul Fattah John Jandali, ada satu lagi temuan yang unik.
Setelah dirunut-runut, riwayat keluarga Jandali ternyata salah satu keluarga terkemuka di Homs, Suriah. Sepupu Steve Jobs, Bassma Al Jandali, menegaskan trah Jandali punya garis keturunan langsung dengan Nabi Muhammad SAW!
"Ayah Steve, Paman saya, Abdul Fattah John Jandali datang dari Homs. Keluarga Jandali adalah keluarga yang punya hubungan darah dengan keluarga Nabi Muhammad SAW," kata Bassma, seperti dikutip dari Gulf News. Basma adalah seorang jurnalis di Timur Tengah.
Steve Jobs Jandali pun ternyata punya nama Arab. Nama Arabnya adalah Abdul Lateef Jandali. Ketika ia lahir dan diadopsi oleh keluarga yang memberinya nama Steve Jobs.
Bassma bercerita, ketika kecil ibunya Bushra Jandali Rifa'e kerap mengatakan ada keturunan Jandali yang hidup di AS. Itu adalah pamannya, Abdul Fattah Jandali, yang juga ayah Steve Jobs.
Belakangan, paman Bassma lainnya Abdul Wahid, bercerita kalau Abdul Fattah Jandali akhirnya punya anak di luar nikah dengan Joanne. Anak itu akhirnya diadopsi oleh keluarga lain. Abdul Fattah memilih tak pulang ke Suriah karena malu akan skandalnya. Tapi akhirnya ia tetap menikahi Joanne dan punya puteri (adik Steve Jobs) bernama Mona Jandali Simpson.
"Kami memang tak pernah bertemu. Tapi kami semua di bawah trah Jandali tetap punya hubungan. Saya merasa seharusnya saya bertemu Steve. Seharusnya saya melepasnya, mengatakan sampai jumpa..," kata Bassma.
Nabi? Bah!!
We all are prophets
"Apabila Tuhan adalah sesuatu yg tak terbatas, knp manusia mesti menyembah-Nya?"
My sis
"Agama itu ciptaan manusia, mana mungkin sih ciptaan Tuhan?"
Jakarta Cosplayer
"Jadi pemecahannya tidak ada agama, karena dengan agama justru kita jadi terpecah belah"
Japan cover singer
"Yg namanya kebetulan itu ga ada"
My sis
"Agama itu ciptaan manusia, mana mungkin sih ciptaan Tuhan?"
Jakarta Cosplayer
"Jadi pemecahannya tidak ada agama, karena dengan agama justru kita jadi terpecah belah"
Japan cover singer
"Yg namanya kebetulan itu ga ada"
Islam - Catholic ties, and the use of illuminati symbols
Di Movie ini juga dijelaskan kenapa di negara2 Islam, mesjid dan gereja Katolik letaknya berdampingan, seperti di Jakarta, mesjid Istiqlal dengan gereja Cathedral, yaitu karena kedua agama ini sebenarnya berasal dari agama induk yg sama.
Part 1 :
"As Osiris represented the sun in Egyptian lore, Isis represented the Moon. But the truth is, that Osiris represented the male, active or generative, power of nature; while Isis represented its female, passive or prolific, powers"

Simbol bulan di atas Mesjid merupakan symbol dari dewa Baal
Digunakan oleh sopir2 di negara2 Islam sebagai jimat perlindungan
Part 1 :
"As Osiris represented the sun in Egyptian lore, Isis represented the Moon. But the truth is, that Osiris represented the male, active or generative, power of nature; while Isis represented its female, passive or prolific, powers"
The Templar Revelation:
The Templar Revelation identifies Isis as the Black Madonna, on no less Authority than a former head of the Priory of Sion: "The Black Madonna cult is central to the Priory [of Sion]... To them at least , there is no doubt about the significance of the Black Madonna. Pierre Plantard de Saint-Clair writes explicitly, 'The Black virgin is Isis and her name is Notre Dame de Lumiere [Our Lady of the Lights]."Simbol bulan di atas Mesjid merupakan symbol dari dewa Baal
Digunakan oleh sopir2 di negara2 Islam sebagai jimat perlindungan
9.11 Hoaxes
WTC 7 Before Collapse:
WTC 7 Before Collapse:
The truth about Apollo 11 Moon landing
Kalian tau knp pemerintah US membuang2 ratusan juta USD hanya untuk mendaratkan org di bulan?
mari kita lihat konversasi astronot Apollo 11 pada waktu mereka mendarat di bulan:
What was it, what the hell was it? That's all I want to know....
These. . . (garbled) . . .babies were huge, sir, they were enormous....
No, No, that's just field distortion....
Oh, God, you wouldn't believe it....
What...what...what the hell's going on? Whatsa matter with you guys . . . ?
They're here, under the surface....
What's there.. .malfunction. . .Mission Control calling Apollo 11....
Roger, we're here, all three of us, but we've found some visitors....
Yeah, they've been here for quite a while judging by the installations....
Mission control, repeat last message....
I'm telling you, there are other spacecraft out there. They're lined up in ranks on the far side of the crater edge....
Repeat, repeat....
Let's get that orbit scanned and head home....
In 625 to the fifth, auto-relays set...My hands are shaking so bad....
Film...yes, the damned cameras were clicking away from up here...
Did you fellows get anything?
Had no film left by the time. . . (garbled) . . . three shots of the saucers, or whatever they were. . .may have fogged the film.
Mission Control, this is Mission Control...are you under way, repeat, are you under way? What's this uproar about UFOs? Over.
They're set up down there...they're on the moon... watching us....
The mirrors, the mirrors . . . you set them up, didn't you?
Yes, the mirrors are all in place. But whatever built those spacecraft will probably come over and pull 'em all out by the roots tomorrow....
mari kita lihat konversasi astronot Apollo 11 pada waktu mereka mendarat di bulan:
What was it, what the hell was it? That's all I want to know....
These. . . (garbled) . . .babies were huge, sir, they were enormous....
No, No, that's just field distortion....
Oh, God, you wouldn't believe it....
What...what...what the hell's going on? Whatsa matter with you guys . . . ?
They're here, under the surface....
What's there.. .malfunction. . .Mission Control calling Apollo 11....
Roger, we're here, all three of us, but we've found some visitors....
Yeah, they've been here for quite a while judging by the installations....
Mission control, repeat last message....
I'm telling you, there are other spacecraft out there. They're lined up in ranks on the far side of the crater edge....
Repeat, repeat....
Let's get that orbit scanned and head home....
In 625 to the fifth, auto-relays set...My hands are shaking so bad....
Film...yes, the damned cameras were clicking away from up here...
Did you fellows get anything?
Had no film left by the time. . . (garbled) . . . three shots of the saucers, or whatever they were. . .may have fogged the film.
Mission Control, this is Mission Control...are you under way, repeat, are you under way? What's this uproar about UFOs? Over.
They're set up down there...they're on the moon... watching us....
The mirrors, the mirrors . . . you set them up, didn't you?
Yes, the mirrors are all in place. But whatever built those spacecraft will probably come over and pull 'em all out by the roots tomorrow....
Japanese Cult's Victim is a Schoolgirl
A 13-year-old schoolgirl has been killed in an exorcism by her cultist father and a Buddhist monk, drowning after having been forced to undergo the ritual of the “waterfall austerity” over a hundred times.
The incident transpired in a Kumamoto prefecture town, where a 50-year-old man and a 56-year-old monk resolved to drive out the evil spirits which they believed possessed the man’s 13-year-old daughter.
Her father had apparently quit his job 4 years ago after finding religion, and became a full-time cultist from this time on. His daughter was described as quiet and normal by her classmates, but had ceased coming to school some months previously.

She was strapped into a chair with belts around her arms and legs around 3AM on the night of the 27th, and then had her face forcibly doused with a stream of water continuously falling from an outlet 2.5m above her for 5 minutes at a rate of 40 litres a minute.
She suffocated to death during the ordeal, which she had apparently been forced to endure 100 times over the last 3 months.
Locals had apparently heard her screaming on many occasions, and the cult had been the subject of many complaints due to its endless banging of drums, chantings of sutras, and comings and goings late at night.
The murder came to light when the girl’s father called her school to inform them that his daughter “died in the pursuit of the waterf austerities.”
Police arrested both men on manslaughter charges soon after.
Her father maintains his innocence, saying it was necessary to drive the evil forces from her, but regrets that it ended in her death.
She had been absent from school for 7 months, but despite 6 visits to her home her teacher was repeatedly told she was not home by her father, an explanation the school apparently accepted without further question.
The Japanese government says the group was formally recognised as a religious organisation in 1952, and currently has about 350 temples and churches, and as of 2008 “305,555″ believers.
The organisation has yet to make any formal comment on the incident, although believers have been quick to denounce the killing as a distortion of their teachings, claiming the practice is supposed to be a voluntary one for cleansing the soul – and that they have no idea where anyone could get it into their heads that it could be used in exorcising evil spirits.
Although most Japanese are essentially irreligious, much of what is lumped together as “Shinto” and “Buddhism” in Japan actually consists of diverse and not infrequently highly cultish and bizarre “new religions,” Buddhist sects and Shinto (animistic) traditions.
These are not generally subject to a great deal of outside scrutiny – save when it transpires they have been sexually enslaving members or plotting to gas the Tokyo subway.
Source: sankaku
The incident transpired in a Kumamoto prefecture town, where a 50-year-old man and a 56-year-old monk resolved to drive out the evil spirits which they believed possessed the man’s 13-year-old daughter.
Her father had apparently quit his job 4 years ago after finding religion, and became a full-time cultist from this time on. His daughter was described as quiet and normal by her classmates, but had ceased coming to school some months previously.
She was strapped into a chair with belts around her arms and legs around 3AM on the night of the 27th, and then had her face forcibly doused with a stream of water continuously falling from an outlet 2.5m above her for 5 minutes at a rate of 40 litres a minute.
She suffocated to death during the ordeal, which she had apparently been forced to endure 100 times over the last 3 months.
Locals had apparently heard her screaming on many occasions, and the cult had been the subject of many complaints due to its endless banging of drums, chantings of sutras, and comings and goings late at night.
The murder came to light when the girl’s father called her school to inform them that his daughter “died in the pursuit of the waterf austerities.”
Police arrested both men on manslaughter charges soon after.
Her father maintains his innocence, saying it was necessary to drive the evil forces from her, but regrets that it ended in her death.
She had been absent from school for 7 months, but despite 6 visits to her home her teacher was repeatedly told she was not home by her father, an explanation the school apparently accepted without further question.
The Japanese government says the group was formally recognised as a religious organisation in 1952, and currently has about 350 temples and churches, and as of 2008 “305,555″ believers.
The organisation has yet to make any formal comment on the incident, although believers have been quick to denounce the killing as a distortion of their teachings, claiming the practice is supposed to be a voluntary one for cleansing the soul – and that they have no idea where anyone could get it into their heads that it could be used in exorcising evil spirits.
Although most Japanese are essentially irreligious, much of what is lumped together as “Shinto” and “Buddhism” in Japan actually consists of diverse and not infrequently highly cultish and bizarre “new religions,” Buddhist sects and Shinto (animistic) traditions.
These are not generally subject to a great deal of outside scrutiny – save when it transpires they have been sexually enslaving members or plotting to gas the Tokyo subway.
Source: sankaku
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